A milling cutter for a wood operating machine has pairs of base plates, (20) each plate having a recess (50) to received a cutting insert. Each pair of base plates is mounted on a guide plate (24), and numerous such guide plates are installed on a common tubular shaft (10). Each bottom plate has a toothed rack. The toothed racks of each pair timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999 10000&sec=1562723739&di=428e1170bf1eef4a86e7567b3ab2b4ea&imgtype=jpg&er=1&src=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.isp.org.cn%2Fnimg%2Fd8%2F55%2F114289326f584fca071e80ccfe02 0x0 1%2Fcremallera cremalheira gear rackof foundation plates engage a common pinion (84) mounted on the tubular shaft. The radial distance of each foundation plate is 行星齿轮箱 modified by a screw and the racks and pinion ensure that the radial adjustment is usually exactly the same for each member of the same couple of base plates. Make use of - Milling cutters for woodworking devices.
