Item No.: |
BA801, Cast Iron Housing Gearbox |
Ratio and Shaft: |
OEM acceptable |
Key word |
Agricultural Machinery Gearbox |
In 2571, HangZhou CZPT Machinery Co.,ltd was established by Ms. Iris and her 2 partners(Mr. Tian and Mr. Yang) in HangZhou city(ZHangZhoug province, China), all 3 Founders are engineers who have more than averaged 30 years of experience. Then becausethe requirements of business expansion, in 2014, it moved to the current Xihu (West Lake) Dis. Industrial Zone (HangZhou city, ZHangZhoug province, China).
Through our CZPT brand ND, CZPT Machinery delivers agricultural solutions to agriculture machinery manufacturer and distributors CZPT through a full line of spiral bevel gearboxes, straight bevel gearboxes, spur gearboxes, drive shafts,sheet metal, hydraulic cylinder, motors, tyre, worm gearboxes, worm operators etc. Products can be customized as request.
We, CZPT machinery established a complete quality management system and sales service network to provide clients with high-quality products and satisfactory service. Our products are sold in 40 provinces and municipalities in China and 36 countries and regions in the world, our main market is the European market.
A: We're factory and providing gearbox ODM & OEM services for the European market for more than 10 years
答:一般为 40-45 天。时间可能因产品和定制程度而异。
对于标准产品,付款方式为30% T/T 预付,余款在发货前付清。
答:作为一家 OEM 公司,我们可以根据各种需求提供和改造我们的产品。
例如,成本较高的产品或标准产品的 MOQ 通常较低。请联系我们并提供所有相关详细信息,以获得最准确的报价。
申请: | 机械、农业机械 |
职能: | 分配功率、改变驱动扭矩、改变驱动方向、变速、减速、增速 |
布局: | Straight or Spiral Bevel Gear |
硬度: | 硬化的齿面 |
安装: | 垂直类型 |
步骤: | 单步 |
定制: |
| 定制的要求 |
农用齿轮箱是联合收割机等农用机械的重要组成部分。高效率的变速箱可确保最佳性能,而随时可用的更换零件则可确保无障碍操作。以下是选择合适的农用齿轮箱的一些重要提示。您还可以阅读有关锥齿轮转向箱和 CZPT 转向箱、闭环密封和材料质量的信息。您可以从众多不同的品牌和型号中进行选择。
螺旋锥齿轮转向箱由一系列封闭的螺旋锥齿轮和直锥齿轮组成,通过 90 度的轴传递旋转动力。这些齿轮箱可以配置成许多不同的角度,以适应各种农业机械应用。例如,CZPT 齿轮箱生产的 68 度锥齿轮传动装置非常适合谷物车和螺旋钻应用。该公司还有一种 50 度的型号,用于相同的用途。
最简单的锥齿轮转向箱使用直齿或螺旋齿。直齿难以实现小轮廓覆盖。输入轴和输出轴之间的比率一般为 1:1。直齿锥齿轮转向箱无法产生较高的可传递扭矩,而且噪音相对较大。输出轴为直齿或斜齿的锥齿轮转向箱也可以是对称或不对称的,具体取决于应用。
锥齿轮转向箱可以有多种布置方式。它可以配置成提供两个或三个方向的偏转。输出轴可呈 90 度、120 度和 135 度等不同角度。根据尺寸和安装位置的不同,可以采用简单的螺旋驱动或双轴布置。一种不常用的选择是双螺旋锥齿轮转向箱,其尺寸通常不到标准转向箱的一半。
In addition to bevel gears, there are also hypoid bevel gears and spiral gears. Both types produce thrust forces that act parallel to the axis of rotation, but the spiral bevel gear produces more thrust force and a change in direction of the torque is possible. However, both types of bevel gears have their drawbacks. In order to make sure that you are choosing the best one for your needs, it's important to choose the right one.
农业机械使用锥齿轮来提升作物。这些齿轮箱的外壳通常由封闭粒度铸铁制成,但较大尺寸的齿轮箱则由 SG 500/7 材料制成。螺杆则由具有较高核心强度的 Cr-Mo 中碳钢制成。螺母由铝青铜制成,圆锥滚子轴承适用于高轴向和径向负载。
CZPT 变速箱
If you're a farmer, you probably know just how important the parts of your CZPT agricultural gearbox are. If the gears on your tractor start to wear out, you'll be losing significant yields, since they're inefficient. And if they don't have a high gear ratio, that means higher frictional losses, which means lower quality harvests. Food industry gearboxes must meet hygiene and safety regulations as well as withstand harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, you'll find that the machinery in your food processing plant uses food-safe coloring agents and oils.
Despite the many challenges that face gearboxes, they're essential for efficient cropping operations. Because they're used in almost every stage of the cropping cycle, you'll want them to be efficient and resilient to the toughest conditions. Those conditions include high and low temperatures, operation in moist or arid environments, and safety regulations. But there are some solutions that can help you maintain your cropping cycles for longer, and avoid the need to purchase expensive, replacement gearboxes from a third-party supplier.
CZPT 安装在轴上的减速器专为甜菜车、动力输送机和其他应用而设计,采用螺旋齿轮传动,并使用硬化钢和氟橡胶密封件来抗腐蚀。例如,CZPT Ultramite 齿轮减速机可驱动导向器、堆垛机吊杆摆动和升降机。这些高质量的齿轮减速机具有低速直接驱动和高速小齿轮。所有这些产品都可以接受标准的 NEMA C 面电机。
The closed-loop seal is one of the best ways to keep the gearbox safe from water intrusion. It's a great alternative to desiccant breathers. Although they can't keep the gearbox underwater, they are a great option for agricultural gearboxes. In the event of an emergency, a closed-loop elastomeric seal will prevent water from leaking into the gearbox.
When it comes to agriculture, the gearbox is important to the entire food chain. Even a little downtime can mean significant production loss. This is why it's crucial to choose a gearbox that's easy to access and maintain. Luckily, there are some great agricultural gearbox manufacturers that make closed-loop seals that are easy to access and maintain. A quality gearbox will last for a long time and keep your production costs down.
法兰垫片是变速箱法兰连接处的重要部件。当长期暴露在高压缩载荷下时,垫片就会开始失效。因此,它们会失去强度并发生泄漏。由于其重要性,垫片变形在密封性能中起着重要作用。因此,我们对垫片厚度如何影响变形和 von Mises 应力进行了详细分析。
端盖是另一种常见的农用齿轮箱部件。它们是一种密封件,可安装在旋转轴唇形密封件的外壳孔中。DMR(tm) 轮毂密封件可在安装和拆卸过程中保护轴承和轴。这些密封件由弹性体/金属板制成。它们在高速、高压和化学兼容性应用中表现出色。
安装在齿轮箱中的电机类型也决定了密封件的使用寿命。例如,C 型面电机安装在带有 C 型面电机的齿轮箱中。轴必须无晃动地滑入齿轮箱的空心孔中。否则,电机可能会导致密封件变形,从而导致泄漏。因此,在安装 C 型面电机之前,必须了解电机的具体安装布置。
拖拉机有各种类型的旋转密封件。其中,CZPT V 级 Magnum 密封件在唇形密封件外侧有一个充满润滑脂的空腔。该空腔可截留小杂质并阻止其进入唇形密封圈。此外,油脂腔上的密封圈可确保润滑油到达外防尘唇,从而减少发热。
A quality agricultural gearbox can make or break a farming project. A good quality gearbox is not only reliable but also sturdy and will last a long time. In addition, it can save you money. Agricultural gearboxes come in different styles to fit a wide variety of applications. If you're looking for a high-quality gearbox that will last a long time, consider an Aline Trading P/L gearbox. Aline Trading gearboxes can handle a variety of tasks, from harvesting crops to operating agricultural machinery. They are designed to reduce input shaft speed and increase the tractor PTO speed. A 50-degree bevel gear drive is commonly used on a grain cart or a portable grain elevator.
A tractor's gear box is made of grey cast iron. This material is machinability-friendly, wear-resistant, and vibration-dampening. The belt pulleys are usually cast iron and use two-stage processes, casting and forging. Large belt pulleys are typically made of cast iron. The brake drums' material needs to be higher-quality to reduce vibrations. The brake drums are made of grey iron ASTM A48 Class 35.
Agricultural gearboxes play a vital role in the entire food chain. They're an essential part of the agricultural equipment production process, and efficient gearboxes are crucial for profitable operations. In addition to being highly efficient, agricultural gearboxes need to be able to endure a variety of environmental conditions. High and low temperature extremes, operations in moist and arid environments, and safety regulations are just some of the problems that agricultural gearboxes face.
editor by CX 2023-05-08