
Starshine Drive Cycloid Geared Motor Characteristics

1. Smooth running,low noise gear tooth needle more engagement.
2. Cycloidal tooth profile provides a high contact ratio to withstand overload shocks
3. Compact size: single ratio available from 1/9 to 1/87, double stage up from 1/99 to 1/7569 
4. Ideal for dynamic applications: frequent start-stop-reversing duties suits for cyclo speed reducer since inertia is low
5. Reduce maintenance costs: high reliability, long life, minimal maintenance compared to conventional gearboxes
6. Internal parts replaceable with other brands to ensure running.

7. Grease Lubricated & Oil Lubricated Models Available
8. Output Shaft Rotation Direction: Single Reduction: Clockwise Rotation; Double Reduction→ Counter Clockwise Rotation
9. Ambient Conditions: Indoor Installation:10-40 Celsius, Max 85% Humidity, Under 1000m Altitude, Well Ventilated Environment, Free of corrosive,        explosive gases, vapors and dust
10.Slow Speed Shaft Direction: Horizontal, Vertical Up & Down, Universal Direction
11.Mounting Style: Foot Mount, Flange Mount & Vertical F-flange Mount,
12. Input Connection: Cyclo Integral Motor, Hollow Input Shaft Adapter
13. Coupling Method With Driven Machine: Coupling, Gears, Chain Sprocket Or Belt
14. Cycloid reducer Capacity Range: 0.37kW ~ 11kW;

2.テクニカル パラメータs

タイプ Old Type 出力トルク 出力軸径
SXJ00 JXJ00 98N.m φ30
SXJ01 JXJ01 221N.m φ35
SXJ02 JXJ02 448N.m φ45
SXJ03 JXJ03 986N.m φ55
SXJ04 JXJ04 1504N.m φ70
SXJ05 JXJ05 3051N.m φ90
SXJ06 JXJ06 5608N.m φ100


ZheJiang CZPT Drive Co.,Ltd,the predecessor was a state-owned military mould enterprise, was established in 1965. CZPT specializes in the complete power transmission solution for high-end equipment manufacturing industries based on the aim of "Platform Product, Application Design and Professional Service".
スターシャインには現在350人以上の従業員がおり、その中には30人以上の技術者、30人以上の品質検査員が含まれています。私達は地方の工学技術の研究所、ギヤ減速機の実験室および現代 R & D の基盤の所有のハイエンド減速機及び変圧器の企業の適用開発そしてサービスのためのよい基礎があります。


品質: 改善を主張し、卓越性のために努力する 設備製造業の発展に伴い、お客様は当社の製品の現在の品質に満足することはありません、逆に、品質の価値を作成します。

受入材料管理のAQL許容レベルを確立するために、全体の検査、サンプリング、免疫のための材料を提供する。倉庫への修飾されたプロダクトの受諾で、標準以下の商品は点検、手直し、手直しの点検を戻すことを取る; 悪い追跡のために責任がある、是正措置を取るために製造者を監視するため 


After the manufacturing department will complete the product, stand in the customer's position on the finished product quality verification, in order to ensure the quality of 






アプリケーション 機械、農業機械
硬度: 硬化歯面
インストール: 横型
レイアウト 同軸
ギア形状: Conical - Cylindrical Gear
ステップ シングルステップ







ベベルギアボックスは、90度のシャフトを通して回転力を伝達する一連の密閉されたスパイラルベベルとストレートベベルで構成されています。これらのギアボックスは、様々な農業機械の用途に合うように、様々な角度で構成することができます。例えば、CZPT Gearboxes社は、穀物台車やオーガの用途に最適な68度のベベルギアドライブを製造している。また、同じ目的で50度のモデルもある。
In addition to bevel gears, there are also hypoid bevel gears and spiral gears. Both types produce thrust forces that act parallel to the axis of rotation, but the spiral bevel gear produces more thrust force and a change in direction of the torque is possible. However, both types of bevel gears have their drawbacks. In order to make sure that you are choosing the best one for your needs, it's important to choose the right one.
農業機械は、作物を昇降させるためにベベルギアを使用する。これらのギアボックスのハウジングは通常、クローズド・グレイン鋳鉄製であるが、大型のものはSG 500/7材で作られている。一方スクリューは、芯の強度が高いCr-Mo系中炭素鋼でできている。ナットはアルミニウム青銅製で、円錐ころ軸受は高軸およびラジアル荷重に適しています。


If you're a farmer, you probably know just how important the parts of your CZPT agricultural gearbox are. If the gears on your tractor start to wear out, you'll be losing significant yields, since they're inefficient. And if they don't have a high gear ratio, that means higher frictional losses, which means lower quality harvests. Food industry gearboxes must meet hygiene and safety regulations as well as withstand harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, you'll find that the machinery in your food processing plant uses food-safe coloring agents and oils.
Despite the many challenges that face gearboxes, they're essential for efficient cropping operations. Because they're used in almost every stage of the cropping cycle, you'll want them to be efficient and resilient to the toughest conditions. Those conditions include high and low temperatures, operation in moist or arid environments, and safety regulations. But there are some solutions that can help you maintain your cropping cycles for longer, and avoid the need to purchase expensive, replacement gearboxes from a third-party supplier.
ビートトラック、パワーコンベヤ、その他のアプリケーション用に設計されたCZPTシャフトマウント減速機は、硬化鋼と耐腐食性のためのバイトンシールを備えたヘリカルギアを使用しています。例えば、CZPTウルトラマイトギアモータは、パイラー、スタッカーブームスイング、およびホイストを駆動します。これらの高品質のギアモーターは、低速ダイレクトドライブと高速ピニオンを備えています。これらの製品はすべて、標準的なNEMA C面モータを使用できます。


The closed-loop seal is one of the best ways to keep the gearbox safe from water intrusion. It's a great alternative to desiccant breathers. Although they can't keep the gearbox underwater, they are a great option for agricultural gearboxes. In the event of an emergency, a closed-loop elastomeric seal will prevent water from leaking into the gearbox.
When it comes to agriculture, the gearbox is important to the entire food chain. Even a little downtime can mean significant production loss. This is why it's crucial to choose a gearbox that's easy to access and maintain. Luckily, there are some great agricultural gearbox manufacturers that make closed-loop seals that are easy to access and maintain. A quality gearbox will last for a long time and keep your production costs down.
トラクター用ロータリーシールには様々なタイプがあります。その中でもCZPT V-Classマグナムシールは、リップシールの外側にグリースが充填された空洞があります。この空洞が小さなコンタミを捕捉し、リップシールに到達するのをブロックします。また、グリスキャビティに設けられたザークにより、外側のダストリップまで確実に潤滑が行き届き、発熱を抑えます。


A quality agricultural gearbox can make or break a farming project. A good quality gearbox is not only reliable but also sturdy and will last a long time. In addition, it can save you money. Agricultural gearboxes come in different styles to fit a wide variety of applications. If you're looking for a high-quality gearbox that will last a long time, consider an Aline Trading P/L gearbox. Aline Trading gearboxes can handle a variety of tasks, from harvesting crops to operating agricultural machinery. They are designed to reduce input shaft speed and increase the tractor PTO speed. A 50-degree bevel gear drive is commonly used on a grain cart or a portable grain elevator.
A tractor's gear box is made of grey cast iron. This material is machinability-friendly, wear-resistant, and vibration-dampening. The belt pulleys are usually cast iron and use two-stage processes, casting and forging. Large belt pulleys are typically made of cast iron. The brake drums' material needs to be higher-quality to reduce vibrations. The brake drums are made of grey iron ASTM A48 Class 35.
Agricultural gearboxes play a vital role in the entire food chain. They're an essential part of the agricultural equipment production process, and efficient gearboxes are crucial for profitable operations. In addition to being highly efficient, agricultural gearboxes need to be able to endure a variety of environmental conditions. High and low temperature extremes, operations in moist and arid environments, and safety regulations are just some of the problems that agricultural gearboxes face.
China factory Foot Mounting Cycloidal Gearbox with Planetary Drive for Against Shock   with Great quality China factory Foot Mounting Cycloidal Gearbox with Planetary Drive for Against Shock   with Great quality
editor by CX 2023-04-26
