High torque motors are virtually only a regular, internally commutated brushless DC Motors mounted with extra gear mechanism at the top, to either raise the torque or to decrease the RPM (Revolutions each and every minute). These DC motors are quiet powerful and can be used in a number of hobbyist and commercial application.
Reducing the RPM while maintaining high torque would require adding up more complex gear mechanism therefore the expense of these High torque DC motors mainly depends upon the RPM, torque and quality of the motors.The motor shaft from the base motor though a transmission connects the tiny gear box fixed at its front portion, which generates the required torque while keeping the RPM low, the whole gears and gear heads are doped with thick viscous grease lubricant.

These High torque Motors seriously numerous RPM’s such as, 5 RPM, 10 RPM, 100 RPM, 300 RPM, 1000 RPM and so on. The 12V Dc Motor Low Rpm Lowexpense of these geared motors is based on the RPM, usually lesser RPM costs more than those of higher RPM.
High torque and low rpm DC motors are perfect for robotic and hobby applications, thought how big is the engine is a Auto Chain matter of concern since it is quiet large in size due to additional equipment box but nonetheless it would save the trouble and cost of adding exterior gears to the assembly of robots where simply the regular DC motors wouldn’t prosper. The High Torque, Low RPM DC motors includes inbuilt gearbox system providing required torque for your robotic software. Hence these motors would be the the majority of favorable choice for the hobbyist robotic projects and tutorials posted here.